Need Help2024-04-29T14:22:37-07:00


Are you 18-21 and at risk of losing your housing?2024-04-29T14:21:25-07:00

Our Family Services’ Prevention program will provide emergency rental and utility assistance to individuals 18-21 years old.
The program provides intensive case management, financial literacy, flexible cash assistance, and education assistance.

Program Eligibility:

  • 18-21 years old
  • Received a late notice of rent or an eviction notice
  • Must have a source of income

To see if you are eligible for Our Family Services’ Prevention Program, please click HERE.

Have you been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and need rental assistance?2021-10-27T10:31:07-07:00

COVID-19 Rental Eviction Assistance Program
The COVID-19 Rental Eviction Assistance Program is funded by the Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH). Eligible households will be responsible for paying 30% of their total gross month’s income to their landlord. The program would provide a supplement for the remaining rent due directly to the landlord, up to a maximum of $2,000/month. Households apply online at or by calling 520-724-2505.

Get FREE legal help on your eviction case

For more eviction resources, please visit:

Are you or is someone you know under 24 and experiencing sex trafficking?2021-04-20T13:57:03-07:00

80% of runaway and homeless girls reported having been sexually or physically abused. Sex trafficking is defined as being compelled, forced, or coerced into sex acts in exchange for something needed (money, food, shelter, etc.). Our Family Services is a key partner in the Youth Experiences Survey, administered by the Arizona State University School of Social Work. The study investigates sex and labor trafficking among homeless and runaway young people. Key findings include: the average age of sex trafficking first occurs at 16 years old; among homeless youth who were labor trafficked, over one-third experienced the trafficking as minors; and homeless youth who experienced sex trafficking were more likely to have come from abusive households, to experience serious mental health challenges, and were at a greater risk among their peers to suffer from addiction.

Our response has been to employ a specialized case manager dedicated to serving Sex Trafficking survivors and providing additional services on healing from historic trauma and abuse and to become stabilized.

Do you need information on free STD testing and prevention? Please visit:

Are you 12-17 and need a safe place to stay?2024-04-30T15:25:06-07:00

Text “Safe” and your current location (Street address, City, State) to 4HELP (44357)

TXT 4 HELP works anywhere in the US, and extends access to safety for teens. TXT 4 HELP can be used for the same reason a young person may go to a Safe Place site – abuse, bullying, family problems, depression, suicidal thoughts, and others. TXT 4 HELP counselors can provide support via text, and can offer additional suggestions for immediate help regardless of where you are.

Here’s how it works:

Text the word “safe” and your current location (address, city, state) to 4HELP (44357).

Within seconds, you will receive a message with the closest Safe Place site and phone number for the local youth agency.

For immediate help with Safe Place, reply with “2chat” to text interactively with a trained counselor.

If you are a guardian of a youth aged 12-17 and seeking emergency homeless services, please click HERE to fill out our questionnaire to determine eligibility and a Reunion House staff will reach out to you soon.

Are you a family with children in need of shelter or housing?2020-03-23T08:42:45-07:00

Our Family Services’ Housing programs provide emergency shelter and rapid re-housing for families experiencing homelessness. Each of our housing programs includes intensive case management and provides job search guidance. Homeless individuals, couples, and families live in apartments of their choosing throughout the community and work closely with their case manager to develop family goal plans that identify short- and long-term objectives with timelines for overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency. Prioritization is given to families with minor children in their custody and specialized services are offered for veteran families. Limited funds are also available to help low-income families avoid homelessness.

Our Family participates in the community-wide Coordinated Entry assessment and referral system to fill openings in our homeless housing programs. That system includes a general assessment of housing needs and resources and prioritizes completing VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool) assessment application tools for households that:

1) are imminently at risk of homelessness with no place to stay within 1 or 2 days; or

2) are in a dangerous situation (e.g., trafficking, high-risk domestic violence, etc.)

Such households complete the VI-SPDAT assessment application tool and the HMIS system consent form.

In response to COVID-19, drop-in hours are currently suspended. To initiate an assessment of housing resources and options, please call (520) 323-1708.

Are you 18-24, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, and in need of help?2021-04-30T08:06:45-07:00

Our Family Services’ Housing programs provide emergency shelter and rapid re-housing for young adults experiencing homelessness. Each of our housing programs includes intensive case management and provides job search guidance. Homeless individuals, couples, and families live in apartments of their choosing throughout the community and work closely with their case manager to develop goal plans that identify short- and long-term objectives with timelines for overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency.

Our Family participates in the community-wide Coordinated Entry assessment and referral system to fill openings in our homeless housing programs. That system includes a general assessment of housing needs and resources and prioritizes completing VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool) assessment application tools for households that:

1) are literally homeless (on streets, in vehicle, at emergency shelter, etc.); or

2) are in a dangerous situation (e.g., trafficking, high-risk domestic violence, etc.)

Such households complete the VI-SPDAT assessment application tool and the HMIS system consent form.

In response to COVID-19 drop-in hours are currently suspended. To initiate an assessment of housing resources and options, please call (520) 323-1708.

Diversion funds are available to help young adults through the age of 24 find alternatives to shelter and prevent homelessness. See what costs can be covered and screen for eligibility.

Do you need counseling for yourself or your family?2020-01-06T13:41:24-07:00

For information on counseling resources all over Arizona, call 2-1-1 or search the resource database at

Don’t see the help you need here?2021-07-08T12:35:31-07:00

For information on help and resources all over Arizona, call 2-1-1 or search the resource database at

City Care offers behavioral health counseling, donations and wellness checks. Learn more at:

Are you having a crisis in your life and don’t know where to turn?2018-03-21T23:05:46-07:00

Call the 24-hour Community-Wide Crisis Line at (520) 622-6000.

Do you want to know if you qualify for publicly funded senior services?2018-03-21T23:05:40-07:00

Call Pima Council on Aging Community Service System Central Intake at (520) 790-7262.

Are you involved in a domestic violence situation?2018-03-21T23:05:28-07:00

Call Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse at (888) 428-0101.

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