The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unprecedented in many ways for all of us. Fortunately, Our Family is steadfast in our mission: eliminate homelessness and strengthen the community. Our response to the coronavirus outbreak begins by providing stability in this time of crisis. We have in place the financial resources to maintain operations for all of our clients and staff. In mid-November we began settling in to our new home the Leonard Banes Campus and while we are very thankful to be home, we are also exercising caution with increased safety measures as COVID cases continue to rise.
These measures include the majority of staff working from home until at least January 17, 2021, with a small handful of staff working out of office on alternating days. All staff and visitors to the building are required to wear a mask and we have set up hand sanitizing stations throughout the building. At this time all in-person meetings on the campus are by appointment only.
As a non-profit we rely on the support of our community and government grants. We believe that it is our responsibility to be well positioned for any situation that arises and to remain financially stable. We refer to this as our ‘rainy day’ fund. We know that as more local businesses and employers reduce hours or temporarily close, that the clients we serve will be among the most immediately and profoundly impacted. Because of our responsible financial stewardship, Our Family Services will continue to be here to help those affected manage these trying times. Due to the lingering uncertainty about how long our community will be affected, we hope we can count on your continued support to help our most vulnerable neighbors weather the storm. In these uncertain times all of us at Our Family remain committed to providing stability to our community and to one another. We are unwavering in our commitment to youth and families in need.
Please refrain from coming to our facilities as we try to minimize personal contact.
If you are in need of services, please call (520) 323-1708. Housing assessment drop-in hours are currently suspended.
You can also dial 2-1-1 to reach the COVID-19 Hotline with additional information and referrals to resources accessible statewide via 2-1-1 Arizona and operating from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days per week. For more information please read: Governor Ducey Announces Launch Of 2-1-1 COVID-19 Hotline
A list of our most needed items for Reunion House can be found here: Reunion House Urgent Supply Needs
A list of immediate needs for our homeless programs can be found here: Immediate Needs
For more information about dropping off needed items, please contact
To learn more about how the homeless community is highly vulnerable to COVID-19 please read: Coronavirus Could Hit People Experiencing Homelessness Hard
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Governor Ducey announced the approval of $5 million in funding to support homeless shelters in the prevention and slowing of the spread of COVID-19. We are grateful that the state and federal governments are allocating funding to support those experiencing homelessness and nonprofits during this difficult time. At this time we are still learning what assistance we qualify for from these programs. For more information please read: Governor Ducey Announces $6.7 Million In Funding To Support Vulnerable Arizonans
Donors & The CARES Act: In the face of economic turbulence, which continues to rattle the economy and nonprofits, many are asking: what can I do? The CARES Act, a sweeping $2 trillion stimulus bill passed by Congress in response to COVID-19, encourages individuals across the income continuum to participate in the American tradition of charitable giving. To learn more please read: Donors-The-CARES-Act
Stimulus Checks: People who were not required to file taxes in 2018 or 2019 for various reasons may still be eligible to receive economic stimulus checks. The IRS has set up a tool for non-filers. To learn more please visit:
The Center for Economic Integrity has created a guide for consumers with resources and information on financial protections, scams to avoid and more. Access the guide by visiting:
What Tenants Need To Know During COVID-19
What Tenants Need To Know During COVID-19 SPANISH
We will be updating this message as the situation unfolds.
Stay safe and healthy.
Thank you,
Our Family Services
Last Updated: 12/2/2020