Our Family Services’ Housing programs provide emergency shelter and rapid re-housing for families experiencing homelessness. Each of our housing programs includes intensive case management and provides job search guidance. Homeless individuals, couples, and families live in apartments of their choosing throughout the community and work closely with their case manager to develop family goal plans that identify short- and long-term objectives with timelines for overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency. Prioritization is given to families with minor children in their custody and specialized services are offered for veteran families. Limited funds are also available to help low-income families avoid homelessness.
Our Family participates in the community-wide Coordinated Entry assessment and referral system to fill openings in our homeless housing programs. That system includes a general assessment of housing needs and resources and prioritizes completing VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool) assessment application tools for households that:
1) are imminently at risk of homelessness with no place to stay within 1 or 2 days; or
2) are in a dangerous situation (e.g., trafficking, high-risk domestic violence, etc.)
Such households complete the VI-SPDAT assessment application tool and the HMIS system consent form.
In response to COVID-19, drop-in hours are currently suspended. To initiate an assessment of housing resources and options, please call (520) 323-1708.