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This four-day MI training is designed to facilitate the learning of specific MI skills and strategies that enhance engagement and outcomes.  Participants can expect to learn through group discussion, live and video MI demonstrations, practical application and feedback of MI practice, and to enjoy the process.

This training is limited to 16 participants who must be directly involved in providing physical, behavioral or oral health care.  This includes but is not limited to: physical and behavioral physicians, therapists, recovery coaches, nurses and pharmacists.

At the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to:

  1. Use MI skills to better engage people in treatment.
  2. Use specific MI strategies to focus their time with people.
  3. Use MI skills to grow people’s hope and confidence to change.
  4. Use MI skills to engage people in change planning.

The training is conducted over a four-day period with each session 3.5 hours each for a total of 14 hours. Participants are expected to attend all four sessions to receive credit for the course. This course has been approved for 13 CEUs through NASW-AZ (certification #4005). Certificate of attendance will be provided at the end of the course.

Dates: January 8 & 9 and 15 & 16, 2019

Time: 9:00 AM-12:30 each day

Cancellation up to 7 days prior to the training: Receives a 50% refund.

No shows the day of workshop: Forfeit fee.

About the Trainer:  For the past 3 years, Mary Dillon, MA (MINT 2008), conceptualized the design, training and evaluation for Arizona Complete Health (formerly Cenpatico) behavioral and physical (integrated) healthcare providers in motivational interviewing. She is an inspirational, and value-based outcome driven MI trainer/designer/program developer with 17 years of comprehensive experience delivering transformational programs to professionals in the behavioral, physical and oral health arenas. She is recognized for superior performance motivating and educating individuals and organizations. She is the principle consultant with Motivational Interviewing Learning Exchange, LLC.

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