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Help your nonprofit organization be a more supportive and engaging place to work at for staff and volunteers by focusing on the intersection of diversity, equity, inclusion and conflict. Join us to explore research, practice three crucial skills to increase positive engagement and decrease conflict, and develop thoughtful, empathetic and concrete action steps that make sense for your environment.

In this 2.5-hour workshop, you will:

  • Describe underlying dynamics that prevent connection and create conflict
  • Identify contributing factors and intersectionality of DEI work with conflict
  • Review research and theory on being diverse, equitable and inclusive in practices
  • Practice three crucial DEI & conflict resolution skills
  • Put it all together and leave motivated to take thoughtful and empathetic action

Training Refund Policy:

  • Cancellation up to 3 days before the training: Receives a 90% refund (10% Administration Fee).
  • Cancellation 3 days prior to the training: Receives a 40% refund; may transfer to the next workshop of same value; or find a replacement person to take your place.
  • Cancellation or no-show the day of workshop: Forfeit fee.

In exchange of volunteering, scholarships may be offered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact center@ourfamilyservices.org to set up a meeting to discuss efforts and intentions.

Managing Conflict Like a Boss Series:

This class is part of our ongoing professional development series Managing Conflict Like a Boss, which includes five 2.5-hour workshops:

  • Conflict GPS: How to stop stalling and start navigating through difficult situations
  • Awful Conversations: What to do when conflict blows up in your face
  • Awesome Meetings Every Time
  • It IS About Me: Self-Care strategies for handling conflict
  • Conflict & Bias

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