First published by the Arizona Housing Coalition.
Eviction Moratorium Extended
The CDC moratorium, extended to June 30, 2021, prevents landlords from enforcing eviction. The moratorium does not, however, prevent landlords from filing for an eviction judgment. It is important that all renters who are unable to pay their rent issue the CDC moratorium declaration to their landlords. See our Moratorium Summary for the process renters need to follow.
Rental Assistance Available
The US Department of Treasury allocated $492 million to Arizona for Emergency Rental Assistance. Links to the fund administration sites can be viewed on the DES website. The Coalition created a list of known rental assistance and eviction prevention programs that is being regularly updated in partnership with 2-1-1 and the Crisis Response Network. This list includes additional funds that are still available from the previous allocation of CARES Act funding.
Landlord COVID-19 Support Packet
The Coalition also partnered with the 2-1-1 team to create this packet of tools and resource for landlords who may be experiencing loss of rental income and need help navigating the options that are available to them during the pandemic. This packet supplements the Landlord Toolkit for Responding to COVID-19 Impacted Tenants, which aids in landlord-tenant communications.
Eviction Prevention App
Renters who are struggling to make rent payments are encouraged to use the 2-1-1 Eviction Prevention App for Tenants to navigate their situation and next steps. This innovative app is available in English and Spanish.
The AZEvictionHelp website, published by the Arizona Bar Foundation, highlights agencies and programs that can help those facing eviction to navigate the legal system, find financial assistance, and match them with support services. It also provides information about the options and rights of tenants, no matter where they are in the eviction process.
Eviction Policy Recommendations
Following our Eviction Forum in November 2020, the Coalition convened a work group to develop recommendations that increase equity in statewide eviction processes. The recommendations include formation of an Eviction Specialty Court and increased renter education, and will be presented to the Arizona Commission on Access to Justice at their May meeting.